
Dennis R. Archambault PhD, MA, MFA, MPA, BSci.

92077 Marcola Road

Marcola, OR 97454

458-216-9012; drdenn@drdenn.com


Destiny's Quest (DOCX)

National Television Interview: AndrogynyJoy novel

Fairytale: Lost Solemate (PDF) Aspyn the Tiger Moth (PDF)

International Association of the Study of Dreams: Serpents in our Dreams (PDF) www.mythcoloringbook.com

Core Work Preferences

This website hosts four sections, with .pdf download files and links.


Dissertation section for Dennis R. Archambault, PhD, MA, MFA, MPA, BSci.

Inner Work is the Hero’s Journey: Mythic Interpretations of Holotropic Breathworkdrdenn Dissertation


Reference section includes every reference on “myth” and “mythology”

by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung,” as found in their volumes’ indexes, respectively, of The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud and The Collected Works of C. G. Jung.

Sigmund Freud

Jung Notes_Final


Employment Psychology section, includes exercises, articles, and links:


Primal Job Preferences


When your job disappears forever


Employment Psychology Seminar Workbook



Poems, Musings, Resume, and Links section


Green Frogs of Vietnam Transmutations Embrace


“MACHOs* and WIMPs**: A Mythical Tale of Human Darkness” (Black Holes* and Dark






AndrogynyJOY Odyssey Dreams


Free leadership game set in space


Odyssey Dreams: Novel of the Oregon Trail


Dissertation Section


Inner Work is the Hero’s Journey: Mythic Interpretations of Holotropic Breathwork


Individuals engaging their psyches through depth exploration act heroically. This process of individuation is arduous and provokes unceasing variations of issues for resolution. Success is not quick, easy, or assured, but this personal dedication to a fully manifested life often leads to a higher level of consciousness and a sense of meaning.

Myths worldwide narrate imaginal stories of cultural heroes who discover their deepest truths.

It takes a hero’s courage to make decisions, even everyday ones, and none is more profound than that of embracing experiential, psychic exploration. Heroic inner workers nurture manifesting spirits through psychological rebirths.

From personal experience, few deep healing modalities upwell mythic imagery for their psychic insights and personal truths as successfully as Holotropic Breathwork. The most profound trauma revealed is often that from birth itself, which is too often compounded by societal unconsciousness.

The survival of endangered life forms on our beautiful, blue water planet rests on this modern hero’s journey of personal exploration. Deep psychic wounds must be healed. If we are to prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, we must act consciously individually and collectively.

Unconsciousness is historically manipulated for personal political power by “Dark Numinosity” archetypes [evil exploiters of humans by individuals who have a profound understanding of human psychology, with its inherent spirituality]. Demanding loyalty, promising complete fulfillment, rigidifying society into a militarized worldview, offering quasi-religious rituals and ceremonies, and producing transcendent experiences, they infect the social body with psychic epidemics that lead to

wholesale death and destruction. Thwarting this predatory impetus to slaughter may very well depend upon individuals who embrace inner work, and with gained consciousness inform their fellow humans of psychologically healthier courses of action.

Engaging inner work is the modern hero’s journey, and it manifests a life blessed with meaning. This is our time, self destruction our peril, and survival of all living species our imperative.



The dissertation is appropriate for anyone researching the following: Stanislav Grof

Holotropic Breathwork Perinatal


Basic Perinatal Matrix BPM 1




First Matrix Second Matrix Third Matrix Fourth Matrix Breathwork Breathworker Breather Sitter Facilitator Breathsession birth trauma trauma

near-death nonordinary states nonordinary

pathogenic forces inner healer shaman shamanism courage

Joseph Campbell Bliss

Carl Jung Sigmund Freud James Hillman Otto Rank

Robert A Johnson Sam Keen Edward Edinger Mircea Eliade Erich Neumann Nietzsche

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Goethe

Emile Durkheim Wilhelm Reich Ida Rolf

Hero’s Journey hero myth hero’s myth mankind deities

deity cultural hero mythic image treasure daimon

quiet voice inner wisdom

personal treasure mythic imagery primal energy spirit

spirit journey soul

buried images spiritual emergency imaginal story existential

personal mythology personal growth personal exploration depth exploration healing modality healing modalities inner work

dark side rebirth

psychological rebirth psychology transference mandala

passion quest

human potential movement initiation

intuition LSD


Wholeness Catharsis body armoring body

blockage psychological blocks mind

consciousness symbol deepest truths sacred space sacred

societal unconsciousness meaning

enlightenment meaningful life ego

psychic exploration psychic insight psychic wounds wounded childhood psychic epidemic regression repression depression


suicide bomber martyr

religious fanatic fundamentalism dark impulses possession states


confrontation with death regional psyche

Dark Numinosity archetype Tyrants

weapons of mass destruction WMD

Predatory predatory impulse sadistic tendency

mythology of the womb mythology of paradise magic

mythology of the womb mythology of paradise mythology of the world tree mythology of being swallowed mythology of unending suffering mythology of aggression mythology of fire

mythology of rebirth mythology of the cosmic egg mythology of breath fostering consciousness womb

paradise world tree cosmic tree swallowed suffocation

unending suffering aggression

fire reborn

cosmic egg breath

Reference Section

This section hosts references to many works, articles, and links that are useful to you researching inner work, depth psychology, and mythology... all as it relates to your life’s meaning.

Two compilations that are of significant importance to students, writers, and scholars are those that I created by searching the indexes of the works by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, respectively: The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud and The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. In these compilations, I searched each index of all these volumes for the subjects “myth” and “mythology.” You will be intrigued, as others have been, on the range of discussions these psychoanalytic and

analytical psychology pioneers had to say on these two topics.

Sigmund Freud

Jung Notes_Final


Sigmund Freud Carl G. Jung

C. G. Jung Cathartic Pathogenic Abreaction Conversion Psychical

Repressed psychical material Hysteria

Hysterical conversion Defense hysteria Alchemical symbol Syzygn


Psychic infection Phallus

Animal sacrifice Demon

Hero Cultural hero

Somatic sources Dream

Dream condensation Sensory excitement Complexes Obsessional thinking Obsessional actions Ceremonials

Egoistic sources Anxiety Mythopoetic Demonic power Objectified fear Castration complex Primal fantasies

Nuclear complex of neuroses Myth

Fairytale Androgyny

Androgynous structure Symbol

Symbolism Dementia praecox Schizoid disposition Subliminal process

Employment Psychology Section

This section also offers exercises and articles related to you knowing the answers to two crucial questions: “Who are you?” and “What is your purpose?” Those who know themselves are most generally happy, fulfilled, and successful.

Fundamental to you finding meaning in your life, you will need to know your own Primal Job Preferences. These are the essential, personal characteristics that determine what you want in a job, the absence of which only creates unhappiness and frustration... even if the job is inherently the kind of work that you would like to do. As an example, do you want to work “alone” or in a “group,” or do you want to work “at night” or “during the day?” Perhaps you took a night job, when no other was offered. If you are a day person, you will remember how difficult it was to “be in that world.”

The Primal Job Preferences exercise is a crucial step in you knowing what gives your life meaning and allowing your soul to sing. Download the Primal Job Preferences exercise and begin the adventure of your life.


Primal Job Preferences_2011


When your job disappears forever

Employment Psychology Seminar Workbook


Criteria/keywords Primal Job Preferences Who am I?

What is my Purpose? Attributes

Employment psychology seminar Job

Hobby Life

Experience Choose Motivation Aptitude

Make connections

Innermost being Life meaning Biorhythm

Trust your inner sense Adventure of your life Inspiration

Go deep inside Reflect Meditate Counseling

Counseling programs

Poems, Musings, and Links section


Green Frogs of Vietnam Transmutations Embrace


“MACHOs* and WIMPs*: A Mythical Tale of Human Darkness (Black Holes* and Dark Matter**)



Free leadership game set in space http://www.spacecolony.com/ Novel of the Oregon Trail



Black Holes Dark Matter MACHOs WIMPs

Spiral galaxies Globular bulges

Mechanics of the universe Super-clusters

Terrestrial whirlpools Missing mass Andromeda

Galaxy Bright matter Stars

Fritz Zwicky Mass Weight Gravity

Doppler Shift Rotational velocity Particle Astrophysics Brown Dwarfs

Low mass

Hubble Space Telescope Gravitational lensing EROS project

OGLE project Ordinary matter AMANDA project Origin of the universe Big Bang

Non-baryonic matter Halos

Quark particles 7-Sun density Gamma rays SUSY

Supersymmetry Photons Extraterrestrial Physics

Visible edge of the galaxy Electromagnetic radiation